IFComp 2019 Reviews and Notes

IFComp 2019. Oh boy oh boy oh boy. It's the 25th year this has happened! It's also the third year in a row I've played and judged the games!

The IFComp 2019 home page can be found here.

Selection Criteria

As always, I'm making no attempt to play everything in the Comp; I'm going to be picking things that I think are likely to appeal to me personally and play through as many of those pieces as possible. That means that I'm initially restricting myself to (a) parser-based IF that (b) isn't a pain to get running under Linux.

That second criterion basically rules out works written in ALAN, ADRIFT, and Quest, some of which I might be able to get running with some effort and time. But I'd rather put this effort and time into interacting with games written by people who aren't making a development decision that includes a belief, however tangential to the main part of their development decision-making process, however subconscious, that they're OK with a development system that cuts off or mandates a lot of extra work for some potential interactors, including me. This criterion sometimes also rules out standalone Windows executables, if they don't work well under Wine. (When it comes right down to it, I'd rather be trying to figure out how to escape from the elven mound than trying to figure out which version of a Windows 'terp for some development system happens to work well under my particular version of Wine.) I'm also excluding For the Moon Never Beams from my votes and reviews, since I helped to beta-test it, but I'm looking forward at taking another look at it once the Comp is over. (It was a fun game that I very much enjoyed helping to test.)

I'm going to try to get through as many games that fit those criteria as I can during the comp period. Since that's still a fair number of games (30!), I'm prioritizing games based on how interesting their description sounds to me. After all, I want to play games that I'll enjoy, don't I? If I wind up with more games unplayed, I may expand outwards from there, but thirty parser games is a fair number to start with. I don't have unlimited time, alas, and I tend to prefer giving as many games as possible a comparatively deep play instead of rushing rapidly through everything. (This is not a complaint about people who love nothing more than a madcap downhill dash through everything, of course.)

None of that is meant to suggest that there are certain inherently right or wrong ways to develop IF, or that there are certain ways that IF should be; all I'm saying is that there are works I'm more and less likely to enjoy interacting with, and I want to spend my time on things I actually enjoy. I'm more likely to judge them fairly and sympathetically, anyway.

I'm using Jacqueline Ashwell's rubric as the basis for my scores again this year. Thank you for sharing your well-thought out rubric, Jacqueline!

Initial Plans

In any case, given all of that, here's my initial grouping of pieces I'll try to get through, roughly sorted by priority. I've tried to keep each section in my own personalized sort order as delivered by the IFComp website, but I'm not perfect and have been known to play IF with a beer next to me.

I'd very much like to play through these longish (or length-undeclared) games:

Here is a list of shortish games I really hope I get to play:

Here is my list of longish (or length-unknown) games I'd willingly play through, given enough time:

And here's a list of games I gradually pushed out of my play list for one reason or another as I ran out of Comp time:

And here is a list of games I'm unlikely to get to because they don't meet the criteria already specified.

I've tried to keep the lists above ordered according to my personal sort on the IFComp website, but Jeepers, I ain't perfect, and I probably messed up somewhere.

Note for Authors

These reviews are not primarily intended for authors of games, for the reasons that Sam Kabo Ashwell has explained. Some reviews are quite direct about my reactions to the games, and my reactions to pieces of IF are occasionally negative. I don't tone down my reactions to save authors' feelings; if I think the game is flawed, I say so, and if the flaws have a serious impact on my ability to engage with and enjoy the game, then that's an important component of my reaction to it.

This is not to say that authors should or should not write certain things, even if I don't personally happen to like those things: Authors are of course welcome to write whatever kind of IF they'd like, whether I think it's good or not. I don't expect to be pandered to. But, by entering it into IFComp, they are asking for judgment on it, and my judgment, partial and biased as it is, is what these reviews consist of. All of these are honest reactions to the game as it was actually submitted to the Comp. If you, author, have questions or want me to elaborate on something I said, please let me know! Similarly, if I've said something that is factually incorrect, or that is profoundly off-base, I'd appreciate hearing about that, too.

That being said, the game needs to stand on its own. I'm talking about the game itself, as it was actually published; and that may have very little to do with the author's vision for what the game could be, or should have been, or with the author's view of her- or himself as a person or as a creator of IF. None of that is relevant to the review; the review is about my own experience of the game. I do try to engage with each game on its own terms, and I try to be explicit about my own preferences. Some games are just not for me. I try to be clear about that, too. I'm happy to elaborate and discuss, but I'm not willing to be wheedled or cajoled.

My Preferences

Since I've referred to my own preferences, for what it's worth, here's what I tend to find appealing in IF.

Spoiler Alert

All of the reviews below are spoilery. You may want to avoid reading them if you're still planning on playing the games being reviewed. Or you may decide that you can appreciate a piece even if you know some of its details ahead of time.

That's up to you.

The Reviews

Games Not Played

Divided into categories that give a rationale for each of those decisions.

… because I helped to beta-test them

… because they're Windows/macOS-only

More often than not, this means one or more of the following things: there's no (good, easily available) Linux interpreter for the system that the work of IF was developed for; the Windows 'terp doesn't play well under Wine; or, there is no 'terp, and the game is just a Windows executable that doesn't work under Wine.

… because they're not parser-based