Today we used up Patrick's current mead solera in several batches split between the two of us. This one contains matcha green tea powder. Hoping this mead would turn bright green--it didn't--I named it less after the New Order song and more after the 2006 hipster movie that was named after the song.

Ingredients in this batch

  • 1 gallon solera mead
  • 11 tsp Matcha Love culinary matcha


Drew off a gallon of mead into a 1-gallon carboy, added two teaspoons of matcha powder, and waited. This first dose didn't turn the mead green (like I'd hoped) nor result in any appreciable matcha flavor, so I added another tablespoon of matcha powder on 3/31... and another on 4/11, and another on 5/5. It's clearly not turning green at this point, but I'd settle for discernible matcha flavor.

I wound up bottling this mead on August 8. All the matcha seemed to wind up in a gruesome green sludge at the bottom, so it's not green, and it doesn't taste much like matcha. Oh well, I still like that solera. I guess the rest of the matcha powder will have to go into cupcakes.