Xenia’s batch, Patrick here writing it up. This is a … cyser? pyment? metheglin? Anyway, it contains apple, grape, and berry juice as well as honey. It’s a pale to medium red color, and it’s fermenting like crazy. Xenia hopes it’ll wind up being a dry cider. Or whatever you want to call it. She’s playing with ale yeast again, too.

We're going to call this recipe Plan 9 from Outer Space.

Ingredients in this batch


  • 1 x 500 mL bottle;
  • 6⅓ x 12 mL bottle; and
  • One hydrometer flash (about ⅔ cup) for measuring.

Total: approx. 102 fl. oz., or about ¾ gallon.

Defrosted the juice in warm water. Rehydrated the yeast per directions; poured the honey, nutrient, and energizer into the carboy, then the water; agitated for five minutes to mix the must and to oxygenate. Pitched the yeast when the must hit 75°F and popped on a fermentation lock.

Original gravity: 1.081.
Final gravity: 1.000.
Estimated ABV: 11%


  • 2016-06-16T05:48:00: There's foam in the carboy.
  • 2016-06-16T11:15:00: There's also krausen backing up into the fermentation lock, which I emptied and sanitized, then poured out a bit of must to give the yeast some more room to breathe.
  • 2016-06-17T17:12:00: There's krausen backing up into the fermentation lock again. Again, I emptied and sanitized the lock, but this time I cropped a bit of the yeast and dropped it into batch 010.
  • 2016-06-18T03:15:00: Took some more yeast the carboy again for batch 010.
  • 2016-06-18T04:28:00: There's krausen backing up into the fermentation lock again.


Bottling occurred on 9 July 2016, yielding about ¾ gallon of cider. Or pyment. Or whatever you want to call this thing.