One of two varietal-honey acerglyns I'm brewing tonight (the other is batch 096, which got the other half of the rehydrated yeast pouch). I'm using up the raspberry honey we picked up at Copoco's eight months ago (except for a little held back in case I need to sweeten); these two acerglyns are using up most of the leftover grade B maple syrup, too. But the way this must tastes makes me look forward to seeing what the brew is like in the end.

Ingredients in this batch

Sanitized everything, then poured the maple syrup in, then the honey. Poured in the various powders, then added water to just over a gallon. Agitated while the yeast rehydrated. Popped in a fermentation lock and filled it to the line with vodka. Set the carboy on a shelf to ferment.

Brew date: 22 January 2018.
Original gravity: 1.115.
Bottling date: 14 June 2017
Final gravity: 1.001.
Estimated ABV: Approx. 15½%.


  • 9 x 12 oz. bottles; and
  • about 8 fl. oz. hydrometer tube and tasting waste.

Total: About 116 fl. oz., or 91% of a gallon.


  • 2018-01-23T10:16: There's already carbon dioxide production in the carboy.
  • 2018-01-29T21:11: Finally added nutrient additions. Combined them both into one addition.
  • 2018-06-14T19:22: Bottled, yielding not quite 116 fl. oz. of mead at about 15½%. Xenia capped them with orange caps.