Group-Constructed Final Review Guide

Patrick Mooney, TA
Eng 133TL, Prof. Huang
14 March 2012

This review sheet is composed of those topics that students in my discussion sections think are likely to be important on the final, and supplemented by my notes on Professor Huang's final lecture. It is not authoritative (I myself haven't seen the final yet!), or comprehensive (any texts listed on the syllabus are fair game for the final, as is any material covered in lecture), but should be a helpful place to start studying. In particular, no space is given to materials in the course reader, because we had a limited amount of time to go through our review in section. I believe that it will likely be helpful to extend these notes to the texts in the course reader as you study.

You may also want to take a look at my general suggestions for study in the week 9 section announcements.

Large-Scale Course Concerns

This list contains a series of topics that we have discussed on multiple occasions throughout the quarter. It will likely be helpful to think about these issues in connection with each of the course texts as you review.

Major Characters and Issues in Typee

Major Characters and Issues in Charlie Chan

Major Characters and Issues in The Woman Warrior

Major Characters and Issues in Dogeaters