A short collection of resources for grieving students after the tragedy in Isla Vista on 23 May.
Professor Waid's Syllabus. Requires that you log in to GauchoSpace.
GauchoSpace portal. Additional readings for the course can be found here.
Section Guidelines. Covers general guidelines for participating in course; explains basic expectations; explains basis for course grade.
How Your Grade Is Calculated (in Excruciating Detail). A document that attempts to exhaustively describe how I calculate your total grade for the quarter.
Twitter stream for my sections. Contains reminders about upcoming events, links to articles and other content about related topics, and pointers to electronic copies of documents distributed in section. Don't want to sign up for Twitter? You can always come back here and check for updates.
Paper Topics. Requires GauchoSpace login.
Grading Rubric (for Analytical Papers). Explains how I grade analytical papers.
Sample MLA-Compliant Paper. A sample paper that is formatted correctly according to the MLA guidelines, with notes on areas in which students often make errors.
Research resources. Here are some resources to help you get started finding secondary sources for your writing. (They should also be generally useful resources for scholarly research in the humanities.) You may find it helpful to log into the UCSB Library Proxy Server before clicking on the following links:
These notes are not a substitute for coming to section, but do contain major announcements and the discussion questions (if any) for that week's section. They are presented in the hope that they will be helpful, but with the disclaimer that much more happens in section than is reflected here. I usually post these notes one to two days after section each week.