Lesson Plan for Week 7: General Thoughts and Notes

Patrick Mooney, TA
Eng 10, Prof. Waid
15 May 2013

Major topics:

  1. Thought for the day:

    The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.

    — Henry David Thoreau

  2. Administrative Issues:
  3. Questions for discussion:
    1. Wharton writes, Ethan's studies […] had not gone far enough to be of much practical use[, but] they had fed his fancy and made him aware of huge cloudy meanings behind the daily face of things (13; ch. I). How is Ethan's lack of education related to the choices he makes during the novella's plot?
    2. Pick one of the following two questions: Given Professor Waid's discussion of the function of ellipses in lecture yesterday, how do you "read" the ellipses at the beginning (p. 12) and end (p. 70) of the framed narrative? or, Professor Waid has said that Ethan Frome is an unusual framed narrative. What makes it unusual?
    3. What is an annotated bibliography? What are the specific expectations that Professor Waid has for you on this assignment? What questions do you have?