Your submission packet for each Writing Project (WP) should consist of all of the assignments and other major components of the time since the last assignment was due. You submit all of these components together in a packet that is entirely contained by a folder or envelope large enough to contain all of your work without folding anything — something that makes certain that the packet will not come apart when I am transporting the entire class's work at once. This packet needs to have your name on the front and on each component piece. Any individual component of the submission packet that has more than one page needs to be stapled.
Any of the following problems limits your grade on the Writing Project as a whole to, at most, a C:
Leaving out any required item that is listed below.
Adding any additional item that is not on the list below.
Submitting the packet out of order.
Failing to submit the packet in a folder or large envelope.
Folding anything to fit it into your submission packet.
Failing to staple together any individual component of the packet that has more than one page.
Your submission packet should include the following items, in the following order, listed from top to bottom:
A cover letter of one to two single-spaced pages, in any standard business letter format, telling me what you learned from completing this assignment. (On top.)
Your final version of the Writing Project's main essay, clean and polished, in the version that you want me to grade.
The draft version of the Writing Project's main essay that you brought for peer review.
Your own notes that you took on the feedback you received on your own writing from your peers.
The second Project Builder for the assignment (PBB, PBD, or PBF, depending on which Writing Project you are submitting), with my feedback on it. If I have not given you feedback on this PB by the last class before the WP is due, you may omit this item.
The first Project Builder for the assignment (PBA, PBC, or PBE) with my feedback on it. (On the bottom.)
Nothing else belongs in your submission packet. You do not have to submit outlines, brainstorming, mindmapping exercises, freewrites that we did in class, or any other preliminary work. Including anything else in your submission packet will limit your grade to a C.
Quick reminder: due dates
Monday, October 20: Writing Project 1 is due at the beginning of class.
Monday, November 10: Writing Project 2 is due at the beginning of class.
Wednesday, November 28: Writing Project 3 is due in my mailbox, in South Hall 3421, by 3 p.m..