Further Reading

Besides assigned readings in the text, there are a variety of places you can go to find additional background and/or interpretive material on the texts we'll be talking about. Here are a few suggestions:

Keeping track of what sources you've consulted in doing research is important, whether this is done by keeping notes in a word processor document that includes URLs and dates of access, note cards, or specialized software. Personally, I use and recommend Zotero, a citation management tool that integrates with the Firefox web browser.

Some of the sites above require that you log in through the UCSB library proxy server (using your U-Mail username/password) in order to access them. This is an indication that these are sites paid for by the Univeristy for your benefit — you should take advantage of this while you're a student and have the opportunity to do so!

Please feel free to suggest other resources that you think belong here.