Lesson Plan for Week 6: General Thoughts and Notes

Patrick Mooney, TA
Department of English, UC Santa Barbara
English 65LP/Theater 94, Profs. Kearney and Appel
6 September 2016

Major topics:

  1. Administrative issues? Assignment questions? Anything?
  2. What questions do you have? What has your attention focused on during the last week?
  3. Opening write (approx. 5 min.):
    1. What did you actually learn in this class this summer? How is it similar to/different from what you expected to learn?
      • I specifically want you to avoid evaluative comments (about me or the professors), which you'll have a chance to provide later this week; please also try to avoid like/dislike comments. Please focus on being analytical.
    2. Coming back full circle to week 1 and our concerns with education:
      • What do you take the word literature to mean?
      • Why do we study it (and related disciplines) at the college level?
      • What's the point, and where do you see the issues we've identified in Othello and Much Ado?