Course Materials for English 10, Summer 2015

Introduction to Literary Studies: Deception, Dishonesty, and Bullshit

Course syllabus. Covers general guidelines for participating in course; explains basic expectations; explains basis for course grade.

Twitter stream for the course. Contains reminders about upcoming events, links to articles and other content about related topics, and pointers to electronic copies of documents distributed in class. Don't want to sign up for Twitter? You can always come back here and check for updates.

How Your Grade Is Calculated (in Excruciating Detail). A document that attempts to exhaustively describe how I calculate your total grade for the quarter.


Close Reading Assignment. Description of the close reading assignment due on 3 July and 10 July.

Grading Rubric for Close Reading Assignments. Explains how I grade your close reading assignments, of course.

Annotated Bibliography Assignment. Those who are considering completing a major or minor in English or another department emphasizing textual studies are encouraged to complete this assignment during week 4 instead of a third close reading.

Detailed Marking Code from the University of Calgary's Writing Program. I use this to provide certain types of feedback on student papers; codes on your papers that appear in [brackets] are references to this document.


Final Paper Assignment. Due before you begin your final exam.

Grading Rubric for Final Paper. Explains how a grade is assigned to your final paper, of course.


Sample MLA-Compliant Paper. A sample paper that is formatted correctly according to the MLA guidelines, with notes on areas in which students often make errors.

Research resources. These resources should help you find secondary sources for your writing if you choose to write a research paper as your final paper in the class. (They should also be generally useful resources for scholarly research in the humanities.) You may find it helpful to log into the UCSB Library Proxy Server before clicking on the following links:


Extra Credit Opportunities. Just what it sounds like. This list will definitely evolve as the quarter progresses, so check back from time to time.


Make-Up Quiz. A final opportunity to shove a relatively high number of points into your quiz score total before the end of the quarter. Also, arguably, an excellent way to study for the final.


Table of Contents for the quarter's course reader. A useful reference when you're wondering which poems in the reader are required reading.

Reader Selections for Week 1. You'll still need to purchase the course reader for the rest of the term, and you'll need to buy and read The Children's Hourfor week 1, but if you're traveling before Session A starts, this may help you avoid getting behind.

Poems for week 5. These are the poems we're reading instead of Oscar Wilde's An Ideal Husband in weeks 5 and 6. A print copy will be distributed in class.

Lecture slide shows

Though these are not a substitute for coming to lecture, they may be helpful in preparing for the final.