Lesson Plan for Week 3: General Thoughts and Notes

Patrick Mooney, TA
Eng 150, Prof. Duffy
9 October 2013

Major topics:

  1. Thought for the day:

    The cost of a thing is the amount of what I will call life which is required to be exchanged for it, immediately or in the long run.

    —Henry David Thoreau, Walden

  2. Administrative Issues:
    1. Section issues? Crashing?
    2. Other registration/administrative issues?
    3. Deadline this week for the Arnhold Program for junior and senior English majors with a GPA of 3.5 or above. From Arnhold Program Assistant Lindsay Thomas:

      The Arnhold Program is a fantastic opportunity for students to develop their own research project, to work with faculty and other students in the Department who are interested in similar research areas, and to become part of a larger scholarly community. It's especially great for students who are interested in completing the honors requirements in the English major, and/or who are interested in going on to professional or graduate school. Students usually apply for the two-year program in their junior year, but they can also apply during their senior year. The application deadline is this Friday, October 11, and students can find applications in the English Office and on our website: http://arnholdprogram.wordpress.com/requirements-and-application/.

      Questions can be directed to arnholdprogram AT gmail DOT com.

  3. Recitation/discussion (5 p.m. section): Briana McCluskey: Yeats, The Song of the Wandering Aengus — 6 p.m. section will have a discussion of this poem.
  4. Go over recitation requirements (handout).
  5. Divvy up texts for recitation.
  6. Recitation: Patrick, W.B. Yeats, September 1913.