When You Are Old by Yeats

Bree Brydenthal
English 150
Wednesday 16 October 2013, 5 p.m. section

  1. Recitation of Yeats, "When You Are Old" (1892)
  2. Play Frank Ocean, "Bad Religion"
  3. Why? What are some comparisons seen in the two recitations?
  4. For Yeats and Ocean I believe they would both attest to desire turning into perhaps love or rather an obsession. Is this what love is? A one-man cult/ cyanide in my Styrofoam cup or maybe it's being able to deal with a side of the person you wouldn't normally appreciate, The pilgrim soul/… the sorrows of your changing face.
  5. What is it about unrequited love that is so much more potently deadly than love simply lost due to circumstances, timing, etc?