Spring Thing 2019 Reviews and Notes

Well, this is the first year I've tried to systematically play any games for the Spring Thing. As is my wont, I'm getting started late in the game, so I think I'll just grab a few parser games before the festival ends on 6 May.

Initial Plans

Given that, here's my list of games I'd like to play through:

Note for Authors

These reviews are not primarily intended for authors of games, for the reasons that Sam Kabo Ashwell has explained. Some reviews are quite direct about my reactions to the games, and my reactions to pieces of IF are occasionally negative. I don't tone down my reactions to save authors' feelings; if the game is flawed, I say so, and if the flaws have a serious impact on my ability to engage with and enjoy the game, then I may have highly negative reactions to the game for exactly that reason. Authors are of course welcome to write whatever they'd like, whether I think it's good or not; but, by entering it into IFComp, they are asking for judgment on it, and my judgment, partial and biased as it may be, is what these reviews include. All of these are honest reactions to the game as it was actually submitted to the Comp. If you, author, have questions or want me to elaborate on something I said, please let me know! Similarly, if I've said something that is factually incorrect, or that is profoundly off-base, I'd appreciate hearing about that, too.

That being said, the game needs to stand on its own. I'm talking about the game itself, as it was actually published; and that may have very little to do with the author's vision for what the game could be, or should have been, or with the author's view of her- or himself as a game author. None of that is relevant to the review; the review is about my own experience of the game. I do try to engage with each game on its own terms, and I try to be explicit about my own preferences. Some games are just not for me. I try to be clear about that, too. I'm happy to elaborate and discuss, but I'm not willing to be wheedled or cajoled.

Spoiler Alert

All of the reviews below are spoilery. You may want to avoid reading them if you're still planning on playing the game. Or you may decide that you can appreciate a text even if you know some of its details ahead of time.

That's up to you.

The Reviews